I think, somewhere, there is an explanation of my bracing pattern. I will try to find it and post a link, and add what is missing. In the meantime, I will start with the easiest part of your question....the lightly build UTB.
Actually, the way I construct the neck joint, I could probably dispense with the UTB. First of all, there is no contact of the fingerboard extension with the guitar body...It is totally supported by an extension of the neck, and I actually remove the portion of the top beneath it.

The "A" braces on either side of the soundhole are inset into the neck block so the whole upper end of the guitar is a more or less ridged structure. So there is absolutely no stress on that part of the top that an UTB would need to support. I do use the light UTB just to give a bit of stability to that part of the top, mainly to support the narrow top section between the soundhole and the cut-out, but that is all it does. I have been doing this since 2002 and it has worked fine.
Answers to the rest of your question will follow.