Back at it.
I got to noticing that when I would tap the ladder braced body that I was getting a slight wood buzzing sound. Like when a brace is loose or cracked. Whereas on the x braced on there was just a clean, clear bell like tone. I had actually noticed it before I glued the top to the sides, but had managed to ignore it.
I inspected closely and probed every brace with a pallet knife and couldn't find anything loose or cracked anywhere. But the thought of ending up with a buzz after the box was closed up was just to much. So, I first pulled the bridge plate/brace.
By heating with an iron, and carefully working the palette knife, it came off clean. Problem is, it still buzzed when thumped.
So, I heated the knife on the iron and proceeded to slowly work off the bottom cross brace. And good news, the buzz is gone, nice clean tones now when thumped.
Kind of a mess though. Both braces seemed to be glued down solid, the only thing is, in working off the bottom cross brace, it came off all at once at one end leaving a small piece still stuck to the top. All I can figure is, maybe the brace had a fracture in it there that I couldn't see. Anyway at least now it taps clean.
So here I'm gluing in a new cross brace, and bridge plate/brace.
Working the end blocks and kerfing down to shape on the dish.
And now in my tapping, thumping quest, I find the x brace body has a buzz. It had tapped cleanly before. I swear there is an infinite number of ways to screw up a guitar!
What is wrong now? The only thing that has been done since it tapped cleanly, is glueing on the kerfing for the back. So, in looking it over closely, I see what might be the problem. In gluing on the kerfing on the more radically curved edge of the sides, you're supposed to cut shorter lengths of kerfing to follow the curve. Since the thin wood between kerfs breaks so easily, I had just been breaking it instead of cutting it. Sometimes it wouldn't break cleanly, but when you pushed it up to the other piece they would overlap and it didn't look to bad to me. And much easier than stopping to cut a piece each time.
This is what it looks like. But apparently that little overlap is where the buzz is coming from!
So I used an exacto knife and cut away the overlap.
All around, both top and back edges. And now it taps clean. There is just no end to the ways to screw up a guitar!
So now we have a clean, melodic tapping x braced body, ready to be notched for the back. I do have to say here, when I showed the x braced body before, nobody mentioned that I didn't have any bracing around the soundhole. Come on guys, I need all the help I can get. Luckily in the midst of all this tapping I caught it.
A clean tapping ladder braced body, awaiting the back. Note that both bodies also have side bracing. Something that slipped by me on the last two guitars I built. I tell you I neeeed a keeper!
And the pair together, whew!
I need a break,