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Re: Boycote / lutz build - Builder exchange

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:11 am
by Joe Sustaire
Here's the new pics...

The cleated crack.

And here's the builder enjoying a good life, doesn't get any better than this!

And here's the finished guitar, nice soft glow to the finish. Although I do think you might need to soften the corners on that nut just a bit. :lol:

Can't wait to pluck those strings Dean!


Re: Boycote / lutz build - Builder exchange

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:39 pm
by stevens
Hi Dean

Seeing the top on this one makes me want to use one of mine.

I really like the color of spruce from that bridge stringer.

I put one of these tops on a mango dread I did several years ago - liked the look and the sound was great.
Sold it to a rancher out in Levelland, Texas.


I think I remember that you too have a mango set from that same board Eben and I shared ?

Good to see you back in the shop building.


Re: Boycote / lutz build - Builder exchange

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:00 pm
by Dean Kumbalek
Hey you guys,

I rubbed the top down to 600 cause I mucked up the top some during the bridge attachment and put a thin coat of oil varnish on two weeks ago, let dry, sanded lightly with 3200 micro and followed with another coat today. I plan to let this dry and check it out, another week or so, and then get it down to Joe.

My idea throughout this project was understated, restraint, complementary and I have achieved that. The colors and wood speaks for itself- pluck a string and you hear there's more to say. I know Joe will appreciate this addition to his arsenal.

Final pics soon, or I may leave that for Joe.


Re: Boycote / lutz build - Builder exchange

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:40 pm
by Joe Sustaire
Just wanted to let everyone know I picked up Dean's guitar at the post office yesterday evening so our build swap has been successfully completed!

First impression is that it's very vibrant and loud, with complex overtones, and responds well to bare fingered picking, no finger picks required. :lol: My camera is broken so no new pics, maybe Dean took some final shots before shipping?

Anyway I'll be getting to know her and see if I can learn to make use of that extra neck length, all my guitars are 12 fretters.

Thanks Dean!

Re: Boycote / lutz build - Builder exchange

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:49 pm
by Dean Kumbalek
I am relieved your guitar arrived safely Joe- good deal.

Looking back at the building posts, I am taken back at all the changes my life has taken while working on your guitar. I moved out of my farm house and shop in a very rural area of Wisconsin, divorced, moved into an apartment in town closer to my job at a college where I work as a Grounds manager, connected to many musicians and friends in the area here, met a beautiful wonderful woman and feel in love, we married, we bought a house together and I set up shop in the basement, and your guitar has been the only constant through all of it. Like a tear in the recipe or a drop of blood, it all affects the outcome. It was too hot for shipping to Joe this Summer, so I played this baby for a few months, and when the weather cooled I realized the action was too high for my comfort (especially after playing the guitar Joe made for me), so I did some final nut adjustments, and then touched up the neck angle with a few strokes of a sanding block because I didn't want to lower the saddle height, and everything fell into place. I was satisfied and felt it was time to ship to Joe.

Joe's guitar is the easiest player I have built. The volume is to my liking too. I learned more about set-up on this one and I think I got a little lucky in that area. I also had a chance to experiment with oil varnish!

I hope you enjoy this guitar Joe- like I enjoy the guitar you built for me. Please post a picture of you playing it in that beautiful shop of yours, surrounded by plants and tools and your stove, with abundant daylight and artwork- like I pictured it from the beginning.

Thanks Joe for being so patient and trusting my judgement.


Re: Boycote / lutz build - Builder exchange

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:38 am
by stevens
Congratulations Dean,

We are all really happy for you and your new life.

Hope Joe can find a way to post some pictures.


Re: Boycote / lutz build - Builder exchange

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:16 am
by Dean Kumbalek
Hey Joe,

How is the guitar holding up? I just finished another with the same bracing pattern and I really am enjoying it and it got me to wondering about yours.

Also I remember you rubbed the finish out some to dull down the sheen and I think you used pumice and water or oil. Refresh my memory please....

Hope you are well, and Thanks,


Re: Boycote / lutz build - Builder exchange

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:49 pm
by Eben
Yeah! Ditto on the axe and a general Joe status check even more so!