Well, since I am trying to make this guitar as close to the original as possible, I gotta do a dovetail neck joint. Now, I ain't never ever even considered this before, so this is jumping into the deep end of the pool for me
I thought maybe I could hand cut it, but I have reset necks on these old Martins, and the dovetail is clearly routed in, soo....
I don't have one of those Stew Mac dovetail routing templates, but figgured I could maybe make one up kinda quick. I have some 1/4" thick acrylic and thought that might be the way to go, but since I had no idea how to size it correctly, I decided to make a rough one out of scrap 1/4" ply just to practice a bit. Well, that worked surprisingly OK, so I decided to screw the acrylic and just use the plywood one. I did a bunch of test cuts on scrap first, but here it is attached onto the butt end of my neck
In the vise, ready to go
And my router ready to go
So here it is after the "white knuckle" routing
And with the template removed

Just a bit of cleanup and it looks like it should do the job. Notice that I did the neck first. I figured it would be simpler to redo a buggered up neck if my system went south, rather than build a new box
But now it is time to grit my teeth and tackle the box.
Here is the body template that I made
And here it is clamped to the box and getting squared up

Now, I spent a bunch of time making sure all was lined up well and square before I got the nerve to fire up the router
Here it is ready to go
I was gonna cobble up something to clamp the body to the bench, but a friend came over about that time, so I just had him hold it
And here it is all routed

Only took about a half a minute to route and it went real slick

Happy camper here
So I sized everything so it was a too tight fit. Actually the neck initially sat about 3/16" high. That way I could gradually sand off bits from the edge of the dovetail to really fine tune the fit. Here it is after final fitting

It sits about 1/64" high, but clamped tightly, it just goes down flush. And looks like the neck setback is right where it is supposed to be, too.
So my first dovetail neck joint, kinda done "seat-of-the-pants" style, but it came out perfect
Now just easy stuff to do.
Thanks for looking,