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Re: Curly Maple Cutaway for Debbie

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:18 pm
by Eben
Well, I don't know about y'all, but I learned the iron thang from Grant!


Re: Curly Maple Cutaway for Debbie

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:26 am
by Raymond
Haven't been posting, but have been busy in the shop. Finished cutting the binding ledges and bent some walnut binding on my new bending iron...
It's a $5 curling iron from the local grocery store. One with a 'high heat' setting. I also tried the supersoft on 2 of the bindings and regular water spritz on the other 2. Let the supersoft soak in for a day, and I could definitely feel them go plastic as I bent them. Much faster than the water, but they bent almost too fast causing me to break one. In the end I think it was a toss-up. But I will try it again I'm sure.

Glued the binding on using binding tape.

Leaving a trough just wide enough for the abalone sandwiched between 2 strips of purfling.

Ready for installing the abalone purfling...


Re: Curly Maple Cutaway for Debbie

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:52 am
by Raymond
Installing the abalone purfling...

First I removed all the pieces from the cardboard. They're glued on, and I probably could do it easier if I soaked the whole thing in water to remove all the pieces and the glue residue at the same time, but instead I sit by the TV and take the pieces off one at a time and fit them around the edge. With no b/w/b purfling on either side it's easy to find where the curve fits.

Once I have a rough layout of what fits where, I remove them all and lay them out in order starting from the bottom and working up both sides.

I center the first piece at the bottom so the purfling joint is in the middle of a piece of abalone. I use blue masking tape to hold the purfling in the trough while I fit the abalone in-between. Last time the fit was a little tight and I had to do quite a bit of filing and prodding to fit the pieces... This time it was a little loose so the pieces went in real easy and quick. My bends are sharper than the pre-shaped pieces so at the cutaway and waist I had to break the pieces to get them to fit the curve. When I tried to use a tool to break them last time a couple shattered beyond use, so now I just break them by hand and didn't have any trouble. I left the tape on a couple of spots that didn't seem to want to stay in place, and then flooded the abalone with CA. A light coat of thin CA, followed by a heavy coat of thick CA. After several minutes I took the tape off and added another coat of thick.

The trough was a little looser than I would have liked, but I don't think there will be any gaps to fill. We'll see what it looks like after scraping and sanding flush.


Re: Curly Maple Cutaway for Debbie

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:03 am
by Eben
Whoa, Dude!

That's some serious bling factor!

:shock: :mrgreen:


Re: Curly Maple Cutaway for Debbie

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:49 pm
by Raymond
Yeah, Debbie is a friend who is paying me to build her a guitar, because she liked the way my maple cutaway looked. She isn't a player (yet), and she liked the abalone rosette. Since that is really what she is paying for I decided to go blingy on this one. Wait until you see the bridge and pickguard...


Re: Curly Maple Cutaway for Debbie

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:07 pm
by MrZ
Hey Ray,
that guitar looks so nice, i never did purfling with any shels but maybe some day.Wow, man.


Re: Curly Maple Cutaway for Debbie

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:56 pm
by Raymond
Just a couple of pictures after scraping the binding...

I've started working on the neck, but haven't taken any pictures yet...


Re: Curly Maple Cutaway for Debbie

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:48 pm
by Joe Sustaire
Man, that is great looking Ray!
