Well let's start with some good news.
Remember the cracked cutaway?
Well here is what it looks like after some epoxy. (I use epoxy filler so the glue won't show in the end)
And the 2nd set is from the same billet which was pretty well on qtr so worst case I can use the repaired cutaway and still get a bookmatch.
So I ran the sides through my drum sander .085 for the cutaway and .090 for the non-cutaway.
Sorry about the picture but the camera autofocused on the bench...
Bent the cutaway first
And busted it even worse than the first!!!
The crack at the bottom of the first picture actually goes all the way through the side. but closes up tight with very little pressure. The others are more surface only and should close up nicely with a little clamping. Because I hate to throw anything away, I slapped some epoxy on it and clamped it up as best I could, but I'll use the repaired first one
I think Dennis might have the right problem but different cause. I think the metal slats distribute the load sufficiently, but they are thicker than the spring steel slats that Steve Stevens uses (that he got from Mandomaniac). At Steve's you can see the wood sag as it gets ready to bend, while I don't see any sag, Also at Steve's I can feel the wood give under my hand as it starts to bend while with mine I only feel the resistance of the slats. I'm going to order some like Steve has. He gave me the can they came in so I'll get the specs and someone gave a link to a site that sells them... Keep in mind though that at Steve's I'm also 1 for 2. The purpleheart bent fine, but the Paduak cracked. And I did bend the rosewood cutaway without cracking it using this same rig as today.
Meanwhile I bent the second side...
Since I can't see the sag or feel the wood give under pressure, I set the temperature for 325 and let it soak at that temperature for 15 of the 20 minutes, then bent it. Seemed to go smoother but only time will tell. It's cooling from it's second cycle at the moment.
I also cut a slot in the mold so the cutaway can extend a little long.
and glued the neck block to the cutaway. After it dries I will trim off the excess. I don't worry about a mitre since the edge gets binding anyway.