First SOLO builds
Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:29 pm
Hello from Texas. For several years I built guitars with the close supervision of Urb, as you know him on this forum. Well, he moved off to Wash State and I kept on trying to make wood sing. I have completed 1 telesk and 1 stratesk so far. The tele sounds great. The strat has issues. The middle pickup sounds really weak. I have to crank the volume pot way up to hear the PUP. So, i took the strings off and unscrewed the pickguard. I undid the switch solders and regrounded all of the wires to the POT grounds. I made sure that the ground to the bridge was good, it was, and put the rest back together. Still, very low volume from the PUP. Any suggestions on where to begin troubleshooting?