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Single Cut Bass Prototype, 34" 5 String

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:26 pm
by tlguitars
Single Cut Bass Prototype, 34" 5 String.

I'm getting ready to do a crazy amount of work. And the guys here at gave me this space to spread out and work through my builds. So I'm going to finish 2-3 old half started instruments and 2-4 prototypes. No ones buying right now, I have the wood and the ideas, and besides I'm bored just waiting for commissions to come in, and just writing articles. So wish me luck cuz I'm getting to work.

This will be a new shape based around a Jerzy Drozd Signature series bass and a Fodera Imperial Elite 5.

Re: Single Cut Bass Prototype, 34" 5 String

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:54 pm
by Dennis Leahy
Go, Todd, go!

I'm very much looking forward to watching your creations come to life! I have spoken with some other luthiers, and I feel for the pro luthiers. I'm wondering when the buyers will be able to forget about their financial losses, and come back out with their wallets. Oh well, you'll have a few instruments ready when it does happen.


Re: Single Cut Bass Prototype, 34" 5 String

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:58 pm
by whitespruce
Hey Todd, I appreciate you taking the time to share. I will be watching and if I can think of any comments that do not sound too dumb, I will offer them.



Re: Single Cut Bass Prototype, 34" 5 String

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:51 pm
by tlguitars
Design work, So the 1st draft was based around a Fodera Imperial 5, a Jerzy Drozd Signature 5, a PRS Single cut, and my new small concert pre parlor acoustic shape. I stacked the weight, and bulk, on the treble side and off set the side curves thinking it would help to balance the weight of the bass, like a jazz bass but after looking at it for a while I was sure I'd never make it past the fact that it looked like a boil. I'm sure it would have worked perfectly but it just wasn't right, too much a-symmetry, so I scrapped the treble side and made it more symmetrical on pass 2.

Pass number 1.

The second pass revision evened out the shape and added a little more horn length. I think this is where I want it to stay. I also added the carve "shoulder" lines to show where I'm going to shave in the top. Not as Jazz bass looking but cool all in all. We'll see how it balances when built. (Fingers Crossed.)


Re: Single Cut Bass Prototype, 34" 5 String

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:25 am
by Eben
tlguitars wrote:but after looking at it for a while I was sure I'd never make it past the fact that it looked like a boil.
You kill me, man!


Hey this is most cool, too - Great to get inside your head and see the process evolve!


Re: Single Cut Bass Prototype, 34" 5 String

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 6:29 pm
by tlguitars
Here's the top I'm going to use. Spalted Baltic Birch. I don't have the right band saw blade so I had to cut with the table saw and hand saw the middle remainder so a better book match just wasn't possible, this time.


Re: Single Cut Bass Prototype, 34" 5 String

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 6:32 pm
by Eben
Great colors, T - That'll be a real looker under finish!